Ancient Olympia Tour
12 Hours
From 550€
1-8 Passengers
Ancient Olympia

Ancient Olympia
Ancient Olympia, the birthplace of the Olympic Games, was one of the most important religious and athletic centers of ancient Greece. The Games, dedicated to Zeus, brought together Greeks from all city-states, promoting the spirit of unity and peace.
Temple of Zeus

Olympia Stadium
The ancient stadium of Olympia, where the Olympic Games were held, could accommodate over 40,000 spectators. The stadium hosted the most significant competitions, including the footrace, pankration, and wrestling, where athletes competed for honor and glory.
Gymnasium and Palaestra
The gymnasium and palaestra of Olympia were the training centers for athletes. Here, young men prepared for the games, training in physical endurance, strength, and technique. These were spaces not only for physical but also for intellectual education.

Heraion (Temple of Hera)
The Heraion, one of the oldest temples in Olympia, was dedicated to Hera, the wife of Zeus. Every four years, during the Olympic Games, the “Heraia,” games exclusively for women, were held here in honor of the goddess.
The Bouleuterion, which housed the council of the Eleans, was the decision-making center of Olympia. Here, the judges of the games took their oaths, and the athletes swore their oath of participation and honor.

The Prytaneion of Olympia was the building where officials and victors of the games were hosted. Here, athletes who won the olive wreath were honored with a banquet in their honor, enjoying the hospitality of the Eleans.
Archaeological Museum of Olympia
The Archaeological Museum of Olympia houses unique artifacts from the area, such as the statue of Hermes by Praxiteles, the Nike of Paionios, and the Zeus of Olympia. The exhibits offer an impressive glimpse into the ancient world and the cultural heritage of Olympia.